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High water in Bridge Cave, South Wales

Album: Some caving pictures
Owner: NJD
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Title: High water in Bridge Cave, South Wales

Photo date: 2011:05:29 11:19:19
Photo owner: NJD
Camera: Canon PowerShot A610
File: IMB_9388_R_A003.jpg

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Upstream Peak Cavern	 The boulder pile	 Coming back from the top sump
The link passage round the Main SumpHigh water in Bridge Cave, South WalesCrawling in Speedwell Mine in the cave system
Washing off after a Speedwell to Peak tripLadder climbing in Bagshawe Cavern, DerbyshirePreparing to climb out of Water Icicle Close, Derbyshire

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Copyright © 2025: Nigel Dibben Revised: 27/01/2025