The Alderley Edge Mines
The Alderley Edge Mines
The Alderley Edge Mines
The Alderley Edge Mines
The Alderley Edge Mines

The new edition of Chris Carlon's well known book of 1979 was republished in 2012

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For some years, I had been working on a revised edition of the book written by Chris Carlon and published in 1979.  The many changes at Alderley including new finds, historical developments and new nomenclature for the geology all meant that a new edition was well overdue.  This version contains many colour photographs and also plans of all the main mines derived from Paul Deakin's high-grade survey.  The mines are also described in some detail (though probably not enough for an explorer on his or her own) and the evidence for Roman and Bronze Age mining is now included.  Even the Cobalt Mine was unheard of in 1979 so the working of cobalt has a chapter to itself.

I had planned that copies of the book would be available from local outlets in Alderley Edge and Cheshire in general.  However, with there being few suitable bookshops these days, the books can now be purchased through this website.  You can also an order by post with a cheque to me at the address below.  Postage and packing will be added to all orders: £2.50 per book.   Now post free in the UK.  Contact me if you want more copies or are looking for delivery outside the UK. 

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For more information about the book, you can download a 2-page flyer.

Copyright © 2025: Nigel Dibben Revised: 06/05/2024